In the scope of this project, disruptive modular structures for agile, automated vehicle concepts are researched and developed.
At the TU Darmstadt, the Institute of Automotive Engineering and the Institute of Physical and Satellite Geodesy as well as the Security Engineering Group participate in the project with a total of six employees.
The Institute of Physical and Satellite Geodesy is working on vehicle dynamics state estimation (VDSE) in cooperation with the industrial partner iMAR Navigation GmbH. In UNICARagil the VDSE module estimates the current vehicle states: three-dimensional position, speed, acceleration, roll & pitch & yaw angles and their rates as well as the side slip angle and additional parameters. The estimation results are continuously supplemented with quality criteria (from self-monitoring) about the estimation’s accuracy and integrity and send (among others) to the modules for vehicle dynamics control.
The hardware components of the VDSE module integrate inertial sensors, GNSS and a precise time reference on a VDSE control unit. This unit receives the odometry data from the four intelligent dynamic modules. Based on the available sensor data, the sensor fusion algorithm estimates the current vehicle states and evaluates the estimation’s accuracy and integrity with regard to the sensor data itself and the estimation result.