Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Erwin Groten

Full Professor at Technische Universität Darmstadt 1971-2003

Fields of research and teaching: Satellite and Physical Geodesy, Geodynamics


- Chevalier de la Couronne du Chene, Luxemburg,

- Adjunct Professor Tongji University, Shanghai

- Adjunct Professor University of Wuhan

- Member of Finnish Academy of Science, Helsinki

- Member of Geodyn. Comm. of Swedish Acad. of Science, Stockholm,

- Honorary Doctor´s Degree Univ. FAF, Munich

- Fellow of IUGG (2015)

Former Positions, Memberships

- Editor of Manuscripta Geodaetica

- Member of the Directing Board of Bureau Gravimetrique,

- President of various Working Groups of the Intern. Assoc. of Geodesy (IAG)

- President of IAG-Commission 3

C.V. of Prof. Erwin Groten (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet)

In 1990, in acknowledgment for his long term membership in the IAU's Commission of Earth´s Rotation, IAU named asteroid 15263 Erwingroten (Wikipedia's list of minor planets 15001-16000).