Dr. Felipe Francisco De Souza


work +49 1632 217798

Work L5|01 243C
Franziska-Braun-Straße 7
64287 Darmstadt

Nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail

  • Algorithmen für maschinelles Lernen und Modellierung für eine integrierte Landnutzungsplanung
  • Angewandte Ökonometrie zur Immobilienbewertung und Baulandumlegung
  • Geostatistik und Geodatenwissenschaft
  • Regionalplanung und verkehrsorientierte Entwicklung
  • Bodenwerterfassungs- und Planungsinstrumente

DFG-Antrag: „Optimierte Entscheidungsunterstützung für den internationalen Einsatz der Baulandumlegung durch prädiktive Modellierung mittels unstrukturierter Daten und maschinellen Lernalgorithmen“

LOEWE emergenCITY Darmstadt: „Sensor Box Deployment in the Heinerblock: Strategy for Unbiased Environmental Data Collection“ <https://www.emergencity.de/members/ffsouza/>

Kyoto University: „Assessing Opposition and Consensus-Building of Land Readjustment on Community Mental Health: A Comparative Study of Japan and Germany“


  • International Spatial Development and Planning (Adaptation to Climate Change through Spatial Planning Measures)
  • Interkulturelle Kommunikation und nachhaltige Stadtplanung (Intercultural Communication and Sustainable Urban Planning)


  • Geostatistics and Spatial Data Science
  • Methodology of Empirical Analysis
  • English Scientific Writing
  • Interkulturelle Kommunikation und nachhaltige Stadtplanung (Intercultural Communication and Sustainable Urban Planning)

(Masterarbeit 2022) „Building Back Better: The Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sustainable Development in Informal Settlements in Sub-Saharan Africa“

(Masterarbeit 2023) „Introduction to the Sensuous City: Evaluating the Livability of Cities in Developed and Developing Countries with a Human-Centric Approach“

(Masterarbeit 2023) „Assessment of Sustainable Urban Development Regulations, a Case Study of POZ North in Bogota, Colombia“

(Bachelorarbeit 2023) „Baulandumlegung in Deutschland und Japan“

(Masterarbeit 2024) „Modeling Migration: A Case Study of Climate-Induced Displacement Potential in Southern Iraq using an Agent-Based Model“

(Masterarbeit 2024) „Greening the Grid: Exploring the Potential of Nature-Based Solutions for Sustainable Electric Vehicle Parking Infrastructure“

(Masterarbeit 2024) „Methods for Forecasting the Housing Needs of Munich“

(Masterarbeit 2025) „Potentials of Integrated Urban and Transport Development: Operationalizing Transit-Oriented Development Using the Example of the Regionaltangente West“

(Masterarbeit 2025) „E-scooter Sharing Services in Tokyo: An Examination of Safety Risks and Environmental Impact“

(Masterarbeit 2025) „Assessing Spatial Equity in Toronto’s Public Transit System: A Comparative Analysis of Current and Future Accessibility to Jobs and Essential Services“

(Masterarbeit 2025) „GIS-Based Technical and Environmental Assessment of Offshore Wind Energy Potential for New Zealand’s Foveaux Strait“

(Masterarbeit 2025) „Analysis of the Methods and Factors Affecting Human Capital Material Issues and the Relationship with the ESG Risk Rate in the Construction and Engineering Industry“

  • De Souza, F. F., and H.–J. Linke. 2023. “Propensity Score Matching and Difference-in-Differences Estimator to Assess the Effects of Land Readjustment Projects in Denpasar–Indonesia.” In Sustainable and Equitable Land Management: Legal Framework, Assessment, Planning Tools. Book Series: European Academy of Land Use and Development (EALD) edited by V. Maliene, R. Mansberger, J. Paulsson, T. Köhler, and W. Seher, 225–239. Zürich, Switzerland: vdf Hochschulverlag AG. Available online: https://vdf.ch/sustainable-and-equitable-land-management-e-book.html
  • De Souza, F. F. 2023. 海外から見た都市開発プロジェクト―日本の資産バブルと名古屋の土地区画整理― (title translation: “Overseas Perspectives on Urban Development Projects: The Japanese Asset Price Bubble and Land Readjustment in Nagoya, Japan”). Kukaku-Seirishi-Kaiho 区画整理士会報 (225): 46–49. Available online: https://www.lrex.or.jp/magazine/
  • De Souza, F. F., and H. Koizumi. 2020. “Land Readjustment in Indonesia: Effects in Denpasar on Land Management, the Spatial Distribution of Land Prices, and the Sustainable Development Goals.” In Equitable Land Use for Asian Infrastructure, edited by P. Tiwari, G. B. Stillman, and N. Yoshino, 131–157. Tokyo, Japan: Asian Development Bank Institute. Available online: https://www.adb.org/publications/equitable-land-use-asian-infrastructure
  • De Souza, F. F. 2020. “Nakasu Land Readjustment Project in Nagoya, Japan: Analyzing Development Costs and Benefits in Replotting Design.” Journal of Management (Special Issue on Land Pooling/Readjustment for Development Projects: Lessons Learnt & Way Forward) 49(2): 147–160. Available online: https://asci.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/AJoM-49-2-Sep-2020.pdf (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet)
  • De Souza, F. F., and H. Koizumi. 2020. “Land Readjustment in Denpasar, Indonesia: Effects on Land Management, the Spatial Distribution of Land Prices, and the Sustainable Development Goals.” Working Paper No. 1148: 1–20. Tokyo, Japan: Asian Development Bank Institute. Available online: https://www.adb.org/publications/land-readjustment-denpasar-indonesia
  • De Souza, F. F., T. Ochi, and A. Hosono, eds. 2018. Land Readjustment: Solving Urban Problems Through Innovative Approach. Tokyo, Japan: Japan International Cooperation Agency Research Institute. Available online: https://www.jica.go.jp/jica-ri/publication/booksandreports/20180228_01.html